Subject was Dragons. We had a few weird glitches. But carried on anyway.
@leapetra 5 minutes until chat. Did anyone see any dragons lately? #mythbeasts
@leapetra hic sunt dracones = here be dragons. Come talk about dragons #mythbeasts
@leapetra Tonight dragons: good vs evil #mythbeasts
@kishazworld @leapetra Where are the dragons? I have to see one! #mythbeasts
@leapetra what makes them so fearful and revered? #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 I believe dragons from the west have been far more popular than eastern dragons. It's a shame since they're very interesting. #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 Hello, btw! ;) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 HI and welcome #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 it might be a cultural thing. Eastern dragons were introduced late to the west. #mythbeasts
@leapetra Two movies come to mind: Dragonheart and Dragon Slayer. Are both true to the dragon myths? #mythbeasts
@Isis_Ireland RT @leapetra: Two movies come to mind: Dragonheart and Dragon Slayer. Are both true to the dragon myths? #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra I think the legend of Saint George play a huge part if why dragons are popularly fearsome through history #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 People seem to respond to the evil fire breathing dragon more than the wise ancient creature. In the east they are revered. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris dragons were the ultimate beast to destroy #mythbeasts
@Pyris Dragon Slayer is true to the western concept of dragons as an evil monster. Dragonheart, not so much. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris I felt as if Dragonheart was trying to bring in the eastern ideas. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris Dragon Slayer also had the pagan ways disappearing. via the missionary #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra only because the dragon was said to be kin to the serpent of Eden and thus a tool of the devil/ satan #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris All reptiles got thrown in with the serpent of eden. #mythbeasts
@Pyris I would have to agree that Dragonheart tried just an *ickle* bit too hard. Reign of Fire however was a kick in the pants =) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris Pure monsters. You can see how they could topple civilization #mythbeasts
@leapetra Responses might be slow tonight, noticed Twitter and Tweetchat are keeping up, but Twitscoop isn't #mythbeasts
@leapetra anyone else having issues too? #mythbeasts
@Pyris On the other hand you have dragons like those in the film Flight of Dragons which are cross cultural and symbolic #mythbeasts
@Pyris Hootsuite is keeping up just fine #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris i love that movie, we have the book too. The explanation of how they flew makes perfect sense. #mythbeasts
@leapetra When I was looking over the dragon lore, what surprised me, it some people still claim to see them #mythbeasts
@leapetra You would think a giant reptile would have been easy to spot earlier. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 I forget the precise name, but a "leaping" wyrm (dragon) was reported as little as twenty years ago in Greenland (?) #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra I know of at least one pagan magic system that explains them as being trans-dimensional #mythbeasts
@GdL16 @leapetra I know that one "sighting" in Tibet turned out to be a cloud. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 I heard of the Tibet one, but not the one in Greenland. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra It might have been Iceland (I'm not sure the reports were accurate in the first place), but I remember the leaping. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris Sort of how Pratchett explains how they were not found on Discworld anymore. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 From memory, it had two small forelegs, and could get six to eight feet in one bound. Skeletons have been reported. #mythbeasts
@tribal_gothic The Chinese kept a record of Celestial Dragon Paths (Strange lights that moved in the sky) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @tribal_gothic meteors and the like? #mythbeasts
@Olivia_Rabbit RT @tribal_gothic: The Chinese kept a record of Celestial Dragon Paths (Strange lights that moved in the sky) #mythbeasts
@tribal_gothic @leapetra Well, John Keel hinted at "UFO's" but hard to tell after all these years... #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra to a point but Pratchett's dragons relied more on human belief/ manifestation of will #mythbeasts
@ufoWatcherbot RT @tribal_gothic @leapetra Well, John Keel hinted at "UFO's" but hard to tell after all these years... #mythbeasts
@leapetra Can anyone think of any place on this planet where dragons have not been "found"? #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra Australia? #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris I did like how he had the small dragon "rewire" his system, so he could take off like a jet. Very new twist. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra Antarctica. :P #mythbeasts
@tribal_gothic @leapetra American Indians has a few versions of ThunderBird legends the large Red ones were similar to Dragons #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @Pyris They have a real dragon, the Komodo. #mythbeasts
@Pyris I've never heard of dragons represented in Aboriginal art at all #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @Pyris @leapetra Aboriginal beliefs have things which could be interpreted as dragons in their oral tradition. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 @Pyris I found one called the Rainbow Serpent. #mythbeasts
@Pyris oh, my bad! Thank you @BigWords88 I have learned summat new today =) #mythbeasts
@leapetra Dragons are tied into world creation and destruction. #mythbeasts
@leapetra Midgard serpent for example. Kills Thor in Ragnarök. #mythbeasts
@MYTHistories RT @leapetra: Dragons are tied into world creation and destruction. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra Which goes some way to explain their interpretation in Celtic myth as the cause of earthquakes. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 who need tectonic plates,a giant beast makes a much sense :P #mythbeasts
@leapetra tap tap tap. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra You want that I should invoke the term "cryptozoology" this soon, or is that tempting fate? #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords8* :D #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 there are a lot of interesting creatures in Cryptozoology, but most stay away from dragons. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra I think they came back with 2 new species, but nothing that could be considered unusual in the extreme. #mythbeasts
@leapetra I'm going to wrap up this chat. I know there were some glitches, #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra The only one that really strikes any sort of lasting impression is the South American investigation in the 1870s. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 Thats still interesting. #mythbeasts
@cdreimer Dragons are fairly limited creatures outside of a pure fantasy world. Most stories use dragons in a metaphorical sense. #mythbeasts
@cdreimer I would love to do a short story based on the Chinese dragon. Perhaps a parade Chinese dragon that turns into the real thing. #mythbeasts
@cdreimer Yeah, they would. RT @leapetra: @cdreimer I think the Simpsons did something like that, but they called animal control #mythbeasts
@leapetra @cdreimer I think the Simpsons did something like that, but they called animal control #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra Thank you for hosting #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris We will do dragons again. #mythbeasts
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