@leapetra: Almost time for #mythbeasts chat. Anyone that wants to talk about Celtic monsters is welcome
@leapetra Alright, time to talk about banshees and pucas. Remember to include #mythbeasts so we all can see your tweets #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 All of these are faeries, correct? #Mythbeasts
@leapetra For Saint Patrick's Day, we can't drink green beer on twitter, so lets talk about some of the beasties from Ireland #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 Most of them. Ireland is full of faeries it would seem #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff lol if ya have any questions im from ireland and i know all about irish myths!#mythbeasts
@leapetra @CiaraCliff Yay! I know I only touch the surface. there is so much to Irish folklore #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 I am familiar with the Leprechaun and Banshee don't know that much about the Puca? #mythbeasts
@leapetra Puca, or Pooka is a shapeshifter. The movie Harvey had one. But that was a nice one #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @BookLover73 a puca is the irish for ghost #mythbeasts
@Tessasblurb @leapetra black dogs, horses or sexy men, right? Or what else can they change into? #mythbeasts
@theapatra @leapetra i'd never heard of puca either. good one to know #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @leapetra puca is irsh for ghost and banshees are fairies that predict the deaths of old irish family member!#mythbeasts
@leapetra @Tessasblurb According to the movie and play a 6 ft tall rabbit too. :D #mythbeasts
@leapetra Leprechauns are popular right now. they are all over in the states with St. Patrick's day. #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff banshees are fairies,in ireland to hear a banshee cry is a sign that someone has died #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @CiaraCliff yeah banshees follow families with a mac or an o I'd put the fada in but I'm on my phone #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @The_Antithesis @ObsidianMiss Thanks for the info! #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @ObsidianMiss yeah and they've been known to sing to the deceased persons famiy #mythbeasts
@leapetra banshees seem to be one of those folklore creatures that will stay with us. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @ObsidianMiss did they always appear to certain families? #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @CiaraCliff yup she also knocks on windows 3times to warn of death and rattle doors. Its said she originates near the river suir #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 I am aware the Celts are not only from Ireland. Do Celts from other parts have the same myths? #Mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 I know banshees also appear in parts of Scotland as well #mythbeasts
@Tessasblurb @leapetra oh yea the rabbit thing. I never liked harvey much... I'd rather have a sexy phouka, thank you very much #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @leapetra not always usually ones of great importance but she stalks the macs and the o she's guaranteed for them. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Tessasblurb Sexy pucas should be the next thing in paranormal romance #mythbeasts
@Tessasblurb @leapetra uhm *snaps mind back to present* yea definately #mythbeasts
@leapetra Death omens seem big. Black dogs and Black cats as well. The Cat Sith for one #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff one thing that ive always found fascinating with irish folklore is the story of changelings #mythbeasts
@Tessasblurb @CiaraCliff have you read the Flower Wars by Tad Williams? #mythbeasts Great changeling story, that one.
@leapetra @CiaraCliff Changeling weren't only in Ireland. But most of the myths come from there #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @leapetra its mostly large black dogs that predict death and i heard a story once of a bear as well #mythbeasts
@Tessasblurb @CiaraCliff eastern european folklore has owls on roofs at night hooting as a sign of death to come #mythbeasts
@Tessasblurb @CiaraCliff ok sorry that sentence was a little odd #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss The story I was always told about the black dog was that it was the devil #mythbeasts
@leapetra @ObsidianMiss The first time I heard of the black dog was with Sherlock Holmes. #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @leapetra ah yes :) I was told all the stories passed down through my family #mythbeasts
@leapetra Celtic folklore has a lot of water beasts too. Kelpies, Selkies, Merrows #mythbeasts
@leapetra @ObsidianMiss Those must have been wonderful stories. more families should do that #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @leapetra my nanny always use to tell me stories of changelings,my apologies i assumed the were irish! :) #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @Tessasblurb i dont really know much about eastern european folklore but it sounds really interesting!#mythbeasts
@leapetra @CiaraCliff I found a lot of stories from Scandinavia that also had changelings. But I knew about them from Ireland 1st #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @leapetra most would put the hair standing on your head and I've had a few weird experiences myself #mythbeasts
@leapetra there are similarities between the banshee and mermaids, I always wondered why #mythbeasts
@ObsidianMiss @leapetra the hair and the comb plus the banshee often appeared at the river. #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @leapetra Do the Selkies and Kelpies sing to sailors? Such as in Greek myth? #Mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 I don't think the kelpies would, I could be wrong, they wanted to take you for a ride. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 The selkies were always drawn to handsome humans. Very tragic love stories surround them. #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 Drags riders to the bottom of the water, drowning them and devouring them. My kind of Horse ! #mythbeasts #kelpies
@leapetra The Secret of Roan Inish is a wonderful Selkie story #mythbeasts
@leapetra @tribal_gothic Kelpies are mean son of bitches #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @Tribal_Gothic @leapetra Does it matter whether the rider is male or female or is it an equal opportunity killer? #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff fairy rings,paths and trees i have all of them near my house.when something vanishes from my house i blame the fairies! #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 I think they just wanted to kill anyone #mythbeasts
@leapetra @CiaraCliff Fairy rings are interesting. I saw a few growing up. I know what really causes them, but they still are magical #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @BookLover73 I think Kelpies were an equal opportunity killer. I also think they a actually Chimera (which take many forms). #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @leapetra i stay well away from them anyway! #mythbeasts
@leapetra @CiaraCliff Maybe they (faeries) only want us to think its a decaying stump. and the mushroom grow around it. :D #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 This #mythbeasts chat is so full of info it makes me want to write some very cool stories. :)
@CiaraCliff @leapetra hahahaha yeah!xD #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 I know, my notebook is getting really full :D #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @BookLover73 me too im getting great ideas! :) #mythbeasts
@leapetra Whet your appetite for next week. DRAGONS #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 I think that many of these Phantoms or, Cryptids are actually Multi-Dimensional Manifestations... #mythbeasts
@CiaraCliff @leapetra cool cant wait!! :D #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @leapetra Don't hear so much about Eastern dragons hope we have a lively discussion about them. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @tribal_gothic That would make sense, what else could be the fairy realm? it was alongside us, not a different place #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 From old AND modern "Myth" such as Fae, Jinn, Chimera, Mothman, Giant Black Dogs/Cats, etc... #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 East, west, good, evil, I hope we cover them all #mythbeasts
@leapetra @tribal_gothic There are so many. And ppl still insist none of them exist. hmmm makes you wonder. #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @Tribal_Gothic Now, the Jinn are very interesting. #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra From an analytical view - there are telltale traces: A Rotten Smell, Glowing Red Eyes, Electromagnetic Disturbance etc #mythbeasts
@leapetra Time to wrap this up. If you want to cover anything in later chats. DM or leave a comment on my blog http://www.mariminiatt.com #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @BookLover73 Yess Indeed ;) #mythbeasts #Jinn
@BookLover73 Thanks for a great chat. I enjoyed it. :) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @tribal_gothic @BookLover73 I do not have the Jinn scheduled yet. I will see what I can do #mythbeasts
@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 Thanks for the chat ;) #mythbeasts
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