This has nothing to do with, but it is a great site and worth a look. This blog is maintained by Mari Miniatt indie writer of vampires, berserks, trolls, and minstrels.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Centaurs and Satyrs

On Tuesday we will be talking about Centaurs and Satyrs. Two beings that are very simular, but have stark differences. They are mainly male (female versions were a later invention), half horse or goat, and usually found in Greece: the Centaurs and the Satyrs.

Most of them were brutish, drunkards, and wild. There were exceptions.

Chiron (Centaur): He was like the other centaurs only in appearance. He was was intelligent, civilized, peaceful, and kind. Known for his knowledge of medicine, he tutored many of the heroes. He is represented by the constellation Sagittarius.

Pholus (Centaur): A friend of Heracles. Heracles drank some wine while visiting Pholus. The neighboring centaurs smelled its fragrant odor and were driven mad. They charged into the cave. Most were killed by Heracles. Pholus died when a poisoned arrow accidentally dropped on his foot.

Silenus (Satyr): Okay he was a drunkard. But while he was drunk he had the gift of profecy and secret knowledge.

Satyrs were also associated with music, having invented some forms of instruments: auloi pipes, cymbals, castanets, and bagpipes. So they liked to party!

But they were not the only male/animal hybrids. Leshy (Slavic): a shapeshifter, that usually has a tail, hooves, and horns. Polkan (Slavic) a Russian centaur, Tikbalang (Philippines) more horse than man.

Knowing the nature of these beasts, we might get a little "filthy", but should be fun. If you want to join in. Use or tweetdeck for ease of use, and find us at #mythbeasts (don't forget the last s) Make sure you follow me too @leapetra

transcript 03/22/2011

Subject was Dragons. We had a few weird glitches. But carried on anyway.

@leapetra 5 minutes until chat. Did anyone see any dragons lately? #mythbeasts
@leapetra hic sunt dracones = here be dragons. Come talk about dragons #mythbeasts
@leapetra Tonight dragons: good vs evil #mythbeasts
@kishazworld @leapetra Where are the dragons? I have to see one! #mythbeasts
@leapetra what makes them so fearful and revered? #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 I believe dragons from the west have been far more popular than eastern dragons. It's a shame since they're very interesting. #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 Hello, btw! ;) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 HI and welcome #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BookLover73 it might be a cultural thing. Eastern dragons were introduced late to the west. #mythbeasts
@leapetra Two movies come to mind: Dragonheart and Dragon Slayer. Are both true to the dragon myths? #mythbeasts
@Isis_Ireland RT @leapetra: Two movies come to mind: Dragonheart and Dragon Slayer. Are both true to the dragon myths? #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra I think the legend of Saint George play a huge part if why dragons are popularly fearsome through history #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 People seem to respond to the evil fire breathing dragon more than the wise ancient creature. In the east they are revered. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris dragons were the ultimate beast to destroy #mythbeasts
@Pyris Dragon Slayer is true to the western concept of dragons as an evil monster. Dragonheart, not so much. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris I felt as if Dragonheart was trying to bring in the eastern ideas. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris Dragon Slayer also had the pagan ways disappearing. via the missionary #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra only because the dragon was said to be kin to the serpent of Eden and thus a tool of the devil/ satan #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris All reptiles got thrown in with the serpent of eden. #mythbeasts
@Pyris I would have to agree that Dragonheart tried just an *ickle* bit too hard. Reign of Fire however was a kick in the pants =) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris Pure monsters. You can see how they could topple civilization #mythbeasts
@leapetra Responses might be slow tonight, noticed Twitter and Tweetchat are keeping up, but Twitscoop isn't #mythbeasts
@leapetra anyone else having issues too? #mythbeasts
@Pyris On the other hand you have dragons like those in the film Flight of Dragons which are cross cultural and symbolic #mythbeasts
@Pyris Hootsuite is keeping up just fine #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris i love that movie, we have the book too. The explanation of how they flew makes perfect sense. #mythbeasts
@leapetra When I was looking over the dragon lore, what surprised me, it some people still claim to see them #mythbeasts
@leapetra You would think a giant reptile would have been easy to spot earlier. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 I forget the precise name, but a "leaping" wyrm (dragon) was reported as little as twenty years ago in Greenland (?) #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra I know of at least one pagan magic system that explains them as being trans-dimensional #mythbeasts
@GdL16 @leapetra I know that one "sighting" in Tibet turned out to be a cloud. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 I heard of the Tibet one, but not the one in Greenland. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra It might have been Iceland (I'm not sure the reports were accurate in the first place), but I remember the leaping. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris Sort of how Pratchett explains how they were not found on Discworld anymore. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 From memory, it had two small forelegs, and could get six to eight feet in one bound. Skeletons have been reported. #mythbeasts
@tribal_gothic The Chinese kept a record of Celestial Dragon Paths (Strange lights that moved in the sky) #mythbeasts
@leapetra @tribal_gothic meteors and the like? #mythbeasts
@Olivia_Rabbit RT @tribal_gothic: The Chinese kept a record of Celestial Dragon Paths (Strange lights that moved in the sky) #mythbeasts
@tribal_gothic @leapetra Well, John Keel hinted at "UFO's" but hard to tell after all these years... #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra to a point but Pratchett's dragons relied more on human belief/ manifestation of will #mythbeasts
@ufoWatcherbot RT @tribal_gothic @leapetra Well, John Keel hinted at "UFO's" but hard to tell after all these years... #mythbeasts
@leapetra Can anyone think of any place on this planet where dragons have not been "found"? #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra Australia? #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris I did like how he had the small dragon "rewire" his system, so he could take off like a jet. Very new twist. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra Antarctica. :P #mythbeasts
@tribal_gothic @leapetra American Indians has a few versions of ThunderBird legends the large Red ones were similar to Dragons #mythbeasts
@BookLover73 @Pyris They have a real dragon, the Komodo. #mythbeasts
@Pyris I've never heard of dragons represented in Aboriginal art at all #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @Pyris @leapetra Aboriginal beliefs have things which could be interpreted as dragons in their oral tradition. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 @Pyris I found one called the Rainbow Serpent. #mythbeasts
@Pyris oh, my bad! Thank you @BigWords88 I have learned summat new today =) #mythbeasts
@leapetra Dragons are tied into world creation and destruction. #mythbeasts
@leapetra Midgard serpent for example. Kills Thor in Ragnarök. #mythbeasts
@MYTHistories RT @leapetra: Dragons are tied into world creation and destruction. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra Which goes some way to explain their interpretation in Celtic myth as the cause of earthquakes. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 who need tectonic plates,a giant beast makes a much sense :P #mythbeasts
@leapetra tap tap tap. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra You want that I should invoke the term "cryptozoology" this soon, or is that tempting fate? #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords8* :D #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 there are a lot of interesting creatures in Cryptozoology, but most stay away from dragons. #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra I think they came back with 2 new species, but nothing that could be considered unusual in the extreme. #mythbeasts
@leapetra I'm going to wrap up this chat. I know there were some glitches, #mythbeasts
@BigWords88 @leapetra The only one that really strikes any sort of lasting impression is the South American investigation in the 1870s. #mythbeasts
@leapetra @BigWords88 Thats still interesting. #mythbeasts
@cdreimer Dragons are fairly limited creatures outside of a pure fantasy world. Most stories use dragons in a metaphorical sense. #mythbeasts
@cdreimer I would love to do a short story based on the Chinese dragon. Perhaps a parade Chinese dragon that turns into the real thing. #mythbeasts
@cdreimer Yeah, they would. RT @leapetra: @cdreimer I think the Simpsons did something like that, but they called animal control #mythbeasts
@leapetra @cdreimer I think the Simpsons did something like that, but they called animal control #mythbeasts
@Pyris @leapetra Thank you for hosting #mythbeasts
@leapetra @Pyris We will do dragons again. #mythbeasts

Monday, March 21, 2011

transcript 03/15/2011

@leapetra: Almost time for #mythbeasts chat. Anyone that wants to talk about Celtic monsters is welcome

@leapetra Alright, time to talk about banshees and pucas. Remember to include #mythbeasts so we all can see your tweets #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 All of these are faeries, correct? #Mythbeasts

@leapetra For Saint Patrick's Day, we can't drink green beer on twitter, so lets talk about some of the beasties from Ireland #mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 Most of them. Ireland is full of faeries it would seem #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff lol if ya have any questions im from ireland and i know all about irish myths!#mythbeasts

@leapetra @CiaraCliff Yay! I know I only touch the surface. there is so much to Irish folklore #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 I am familiar with the Leprechaun and Banshee don't know that much about the Puca? #mythbeasts

@leapetra Puca, or Pooka is a shapeshifter. The movie Harvey had one. But that was a nice one #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @BookLover73 a puca is the irish for ghost #mythbeasts

@Tessasblurb @leapetra black dogs, horses or sexy men, right? Or what else can they change into? #mythbeasts

@theapatra @leapetra i'd never heard of puca either. good one to know #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @leapetra puca is irsh for ghost and banshees are fairies that predict the deaths of old irish family member!#mythbeasts

@leapetra @Tessasblurb According to the movie and play a 6 ft tall rabbit too. :D #mythbeasts

@leapetra Leprechauns are popular right now. they are all over in the states with St. Patrick's day. #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff banshees are fairies,in ireland to hear a banshee cry is a sign that someone has died #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @CiaraCliff yeah banshees follow families with a mac or an o I'd put the fada in but I'm on my phone #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 @The_Antithesis @ObsidianMiss Thanks for the info! #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @ObsidianMiss yeah and they've been known to sing to the deceased persons famiy #mythbeasts

@leapetra banshees seem to be one of those folklore creatures that will stay with us. #mythbeasts

@leapetra @ObsidianMiss did they always appear to certain families? #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @CiaraCliff yup she also knocks on windows 3times to warn of death and rattle doors. Its said she originates near the river suir #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 I am aware the Celts are not only from Ireland. Do Celts from other parts have the same myths? #Mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 I know banshees also appear in parts of Scotland as well #mythbeasts

@Tessasblurb @leapetra oh yea the rabbit thing. I never liked harvey much... I'd rather have a sexy phouka, thank you very much #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @leapetra not always usually ones of great importance but she stalks the macs and the o she's guaranteed for them. #mythbeasts

@leapetra @Tessasblurb Sexy pucas should be the next thing in paranormal romance #mythbeasts

@Tessasblurb @leapetra uhm *snaps mind back to present* yea definately #mythbeasts

@leapetra Death omens seem big. Black dogs and Black cats as well. The Cat Sith for one #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff one thing that ive always found fascinating with irish folklore is the story of changelings #mythbeasts

@Tessasblurb @CiaraCliff have you read the Flower Wars by Tad Williams? #mythbeasts Great changeling story, that one.

@leapetra @CiaraCliff Changeling weren't only in Ireland. But most of the myths come from there #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @leapetra its mostly large black dogs that predict death and i heard a story once of a bear as well #mythbeasts

@Tessasblurb @CiaraCliff eastern european folklore has owls on roofs at night hooting as a sign of death to come #mythbeasts

@Tessasblurb @CiaraCliff ok sorry that sentence was a little odd #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss The story I was always told about the black dog was that it was the devil #mythbeasts

@leapetra @ObsidianMiss The first time I heard of the black dog was with Sherlock Holmes. #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @leapetra ah yes :) I was told all the stories passed down through my family #mythbeasts

@leapetra Celtic folklore has a lot of water beasts too. Kelpies, Selkies, Merrows #mythbeasts

@leapetra @ObsidianMiss Those must have been wonderful stories. more families should do that #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @leapetra my nanny always use to tell me stories of changelings,my apologies i assumed the were irish! :) #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @Tessasblurb i dont really know much about eastern european folklore but it sounds really interesting!#mythbeasts

@leapetra @CiaraCliff I found a lot of stories from Scandinavia that also had changelings. But I knew about them from Ireland 1st #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @leapetra most would put the hair standing on your head and I've had a few weird experiences myself #mythbeasts

@leapetra there are similarities between the banshee and mermaids, I always wondered why #mythbeasts

@ObsidianMiss @leapetra the hair and the comb plus the banshee often appeared at the river. #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 @leapetra Do the Selkies and Kelpies sing to sailors? Such as in Greek myth? #Mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 I don't think the kelpies would, I could be wrong, they wanted to take you for a ride. #mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 The selkies were always drawn to handsome humans. Very tragic love stories surround them. #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 Drags riders to the bottom of the water, drowning them and devouring them. My kind of Horse ! #mythbeasts #kelpies

@leapetra The Secret of Roan Inish is a wonderful Selkie story #mythbeasts

@leapetra @tribal_gothic Kelpies are mean son of bitches #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 @Tribal_Gothic @leapetra Does it matter whether the rider is male or female or is it an equal opportunity killer? #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff fairy rings,paths and trees i have all of them near my house.when something vanishes from my house i blame the fairies! #mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 I think they just wanted to kill anyone #mythbeasts

@leapetra @CiaraCliff Fairy rings are interesting. I saw a few growing up. I know what really causes them, but they still are magical #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @BookLover73 I think Kelpies were an equal opportunity killer. I also think they a actually Chimera (which take many forms). #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @leapetra i stay well away from them anyway! #mythbeasts

@leapetra @CiaraCliff Maybe they (faeries) only want us to think its a decaying stump. and the mushroom grow around it. :D #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 This #mythbeasts chat is so full of info it makes me want to write some very cool stories. :)

@CiaraCliff @leapetra hahahaha yeah!xD #mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 I know, my notebook is getting really full :D #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @BookLover73 me too im getting great ideas! :) #mythbeasts

@leapetra Whet your appetite for next week. DRAGONS #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 I think that many of these Phantoms or, Cryptids are actually Multi-Dimensional Manifestations... #mythbeasts

@CiaraCliff @leapetra cool cant wait!! :D #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 @leapetra Don't hear so much about Eastern dragons hope we have a lively discussion about them. #mythbeasts

@leapetra @tribal_gothic That would make sense, what else could be the fairy realm? it was alongside us, not a different place #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 From old AND modern "Myth" such as Fae, Jinn, Chimera, Mothman, Giant Black Dogs/Cats, etc... #mythbeasts

@leapetra @BookLover73 East, west, good, evil, I hope we cover them all #mythbeasts

@leapetra @tribal_gothic There are so many. And ppl still insist none of them exist. hmmm makes you wonder. #mythbeasts

@BookLover73 @Tribal_Gothic Now, the Jinn are very interesting. #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra From an analytical view - there are telltale traces: A Rotten Smell, Glowing Red Eyes, Electromagnetic Disturbance etc #mythbeasts

@leapetra Time to wrap this up. If you want to cover anything in later chats. DM or leave a comment on my blog #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @BookLover73 Yess Indeed ;) #mythbeasts #Jinn

@BookLover73 Thanks for a great chat. I enjoyed it. :) #mythbeasts

@leapetra @tribal_gothic @BookLover73 I do not have the Jinn scheduled yet. I will see what I can do #mythbeasts

@Tribal_Gothic @leapetra @BookLover73 Thanks for the chat ;) #mythbeasts

Sunday, March 20, 2011

#mythbeasts Dragons

© Copyright Elliott Simpson and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License

If there is one mythical beast that everyone knows, it is the dragon. They are world wide. From the West we have the evil monsters. From the East; benevolent forces of nature. And in between; great serpents, giant wyrms, and other powerful reptiles.

© Copyright Albert Bridge and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License

They are symbols of power. Some rulers claimed to be descended from them. They were claimed to be the embodiment of Satan. Some helped create the world, others will destroy it. And even in these "more enlightened" times, people still say they see them.

Wikipedia: Dragons
Nature: The Dragon Chronicles (looking at real animals that may have inspired the dragon myth)
Eastern Dragons
Wikipedia: Midgard Serpent
You Tube search of "dragon sightings"

So if you want to join in. Use or tweetdeck for ease of use, and find us at #mythbeasts (don't forget the last s) Make sure you follow me too @leapetra

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#mythbeasts Irish Beasties

Originally published on 03/13/2011 at

This Tuesday, 03/15/2011 at 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, on twitter, we will be discussing Irish folklore monsters.

Some of the ones we may discuss:

The female spirt that foretells death with her mournful screaming or singing.


This jolly shoemaker didn't always wear green or sell breakfast cereals.

A shapeshifter that started horrible, but later became an imaginary friend to Jimmy Stewart in Harvey.


The horse in the water.

Seals that can transform into humans for love, mainly.

The Cat Sìth:
My cat impersonating a Cat Sith

The large black cat that haunts the countryside.

Irish mermaids.

From Legacy of Kain. The original ones from myths looked like crows.

Sprits of the restless dead.

To follow on Twitter; search for #mythbeasts. It is better to use another site like Tweetchat.

#mythbeasts transcript 03/08/2011

Originally published on 03/13/2011 at

@leapetra It's 6:30 EST. Time for the 1st official chat. #mythbeasts -6:30 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra For International Women's day, I thought it would interesting to talk about the female monsters that are in folklore and myths. #mythbeasts -6:31 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 RT @leapetra: It's 6:30 EST. Time for the 1st official chat. #mythbeasts -6:31 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Medusa would be a good one to start with. We all should be familiar with her #mythbeasts -6:32 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 Medusa is my favorite. I think every woman can relate to her. Bad hair day and all. ;) #mythbeasts -6:34 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris @leapetra ok so this is the first chat I've actively tried to follow is there anything special I should do? #mythbeasts -6:34 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @BookLover73 The worse hair day #mythbeasts -6:34 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra i love the notion of medusa actually #mythbeasts -6:34 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris make sure you use the hashtag. or your comments might get lost. #mythbeasts -6:34 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 Seriously, she was the one violated and she was the one punished! #mythbeasts -6:35 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @theapatra what do you love about her? #mythbeasts -6:35 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra not sure. i think that her power was in her hair...kinda like samson #mythbeasts -6:36 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @BookLover73 A lot of the monsters I mentioned, follow the same path as Medusa. Their forms are punishment #mythbeasts -6:36 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @theapatra Interesting point. #mythbeasts -6:37 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra i just always liked the idea of snakes coming from her head. never knew why. i'm not scared of snakes, so maybe that's #mythbeasts -6:38 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra My first introduction to her was Clash of the Titans (original) I remember being scared and sad she died #mythbeasts -6:40 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris I have always strongly identified with Medusa, as a scorned and punished woman that retains so much power she is feared. #mythbeasts -6:40 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra In Japan there is the Harionago a woman with barbs in her hair. She will attack young men and rip them apart. #mythbeasts -6:41 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra wow. love that one #mythbeasts -6:42 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra I couldn't find her background story. But another one with horrible hair. #mythbeasts -6:42 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 @theapatra She was a priestess to Athena, I think. Posideon violated her. That's when she was turned as punishment. #Mythbeasts -6:42 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@ObsidianMiss @leapetra but the Harionago won't attack without provocation #mythbeasts -6:43 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris Nods @leapetra, same here although I was sad and sympathetic rather than scared. #mythbeasts -6:43 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @BookLover73 oh. i had no idea. thanks for the info #Mythbeasts -6:43 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 @theapatra She and her sisters, actually. They were all turned into Gorgons. #mythbeasts -6:43 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @ObsidianMiss But she does try to trick men. she works as a warning to young men? #mythbeasts -6:44 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris Saw you mention the Harionago a couple days ago and wondered if that myth inspired the porcupine woman from Nightbreed #mythbeasts -6:44 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris I wonder, or could that have been a Native American myth? i will have to look into it #mythbeasts -6:46 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 Not up on the Harionago. What is she about? #mythbeasts -6:46 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 Ooops, didn't see previous tweet. :) #mythbeasts -6:47 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra japan has another woman, disfigured, The Slit-Mouth woman. unlike the rest, she has caused panics up until 1970's #mythbeasts -6:49 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra The Slit-Mouth woman covers her mouth, asks if she is pretty, if you say "yes" she will reveal her ripped face #mythbeasts -6:50 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris Taking Medusa and the Harionago both, the focus seems to be on hair with is often seen as a sign of power, virility and beauty #mythbeasts -6:50 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra wow. way cool #mythbeasts -6:51 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris a response in my blog said it was that hair was the crowing jewel of a woman #mythbeasts -6:51 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt So, who else thinks Hollywood is out of ideas when it comes to mythical beasts, male of female. #mythbeasts -6:53 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra i'm sorry. i can't get past the slit mouth woman. that's just ... mind blowing. where did that one come from? #mythbeasts -6:53 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra All of them still retain their beauty. although in twisted forms. Why not make them totally monsterous #mythbeasts -6:53 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra great point. i know some vry beautiful women who are just evil #mythbeasts -6:54 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Miniatt they haven't touched all the cultures yet. #mythbeasts -6:54 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 How about the Banshee? #mythbeasts -6:54 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra or totally breathtaking and evil? #mythbeasts -6:54 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @BookLover73 another of my favs! #mythbeasts -6:54 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@tribal_gothic @BookLover73 I dated a Banshee once - or, at least she screamed like one ;) #mythbeasts -6:55 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @theapatra original story, was that she was disfigured by her samuri husband. #mythbeasts -6:55 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @BookLover73 the banshee another beautiful, but monstrous woman. yet she has a purpose too. #mythbeasts -6:56 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 I believe she had a comb of gold or silver continually combing her hair. #mythbeasts -6:56 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris ach now slit-mouth woman is clearly derogatory in a cautionary way like a lot of folklore/urban myth #mythbeasts -6:56 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris Don't be too vain little girl or this will happen to you, you will become such a thing #mythbeasts -6:56 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@TattooedWriter @leapetra because the contrast between their beauty and monstrous side is all that more compelling and horrifying #mythbeasts -6:56 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @leapetra i c. i imagine it's a metaphor for what comes out of a woman's mouth...seen and not heard sort of thing #mythbeasts -6:57 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt Didn't some one trick the husband into thinking his wife screwed around? #mythbeasts -6:57 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra @Pyris yes #mythbeasts -6:57 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@ObsidianMiss @BookLover73 the comb is a crossover between mermaids and banshees #mythbeasts -6:58 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Miniatt That is one of the stories, so she came back and demanded him to tell her she was beautful #mythbeasts -6:58 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt What was the motive for doing this? #mythbeasts -6:58 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @theapatra in the last panic, if you told her you were busy, she would apologize and move on. #mythbeasts -6:59 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 @ObsidianMiss Hmm, I can see that. All these women either have their power in their hair or their voice. #mythbeasts -6:59 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Miniatt revenge or punishment, seems to be the theme #mythbeasts -7:00 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt That one Russian woman tickles you to death. #mythbeasts -7:00 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Miniatt you beat me to it!!! Rusalka! #mythbeasts -7:01 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris There are all sorts of riffs off the Banshee. @ObsidianMiss dun forget Sirens #mythbeasts -7:01 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@ObsidianMiss @BookLover73 true a banshee is technically a fairy woman who fortells your death. I don't think she's a monster though #mythbeasts -7:01 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Rusalkas live in the water and if they like a young man, they will (cough) "tickle him to death" #mythbeasts -7:02 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra  of all the ways these female monsters kill, tickling seems the least leathal #mythbeasts -7:03 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@ObsidianMiss @Pyris I haven't I just don't put them in the same category banshees warn of death sirens lure you to your death #mythbeasts -7:04 PM Mar 8th, 201
@BookLover73 @ObsidianMiss I think the Fae can be just as monstorous as any mythical creature out there. #mythbeasts -7:04 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt "Tickle" as a stand in for"f***"...interesting. #mythbeasts -7:04 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@theapatra don't forget the succubus #mythbeasts. I'm writing about one now -7:05 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra there is a sexual overtone with all of the monsters #mythbeasts -7:05 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris So we have revenge & punishment but what about justice oris there any way to 'redeem' these monsters? #mythbeasts -7:05 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@ObsidianMiss @BookLover73 very true but I think in terms of the other monsters we've seen where they kill you she seems friendly :) #mythbeasts -7:06 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt Many of them have passed on. So, I'm not sure. #mythbeasts -7:06 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris It depends on the type of banshee, there are at least two common origins for them drowning as mentioned or death in birthing #mythbeasts -7:06 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris I can't think of any of them that could be redeemed, their monstrous form is forever. #mythbeasts -7:07 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt They appear as wraths, ghosts, and the like. #mythbeasts -7:07 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Although some Rusalka will stop pestering men, if it is found they were killed, and the killer brought to justice, #mythbeasts -7:07 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra but nothing said if that will really put the Rusalka to rest. #mythbeasts -7:09 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra A final one, a real horrible one. is in their form because of the type of death. The Pontianak #mythbeasts -7:10 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Pontianak have died in childbirth. They come back as a vampire like being that eats intestines #mythbeasts -7:11 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra The Pontianak did not do anything wrong, but are punished. #mythbeasts -7:13 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris Ew, what is the ethnic origin of the Pontianak? #mythbeasts -7:15 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris Indonesia #mythbeasts -7:16 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Wow the Pontianak brought everything to a stand still #mythbeasts -7:19 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 @leapetra Do their families have to do anything special to allow them to rest? #Mythbeasts -7:19 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris *scratches head* I would expect that the punishment of a Pontianak has to do with either a lack of fortitude or perhaps gluttony #mythbeasts -7:20 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @BookLover73 nothing is said in anything I read, but being a vampire, there are probably precautions. #mythbeasts -7:21 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris @booklover73 oh, that's a good point! maybe the woman did not do anything wrong but their family did? #mythbeasts -7:21 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris Very good point #mythbeasts -7:22 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 @Pyris Curses often times can effect a whole family even a whole village. #mythbeasts -7:23 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt The Pontianak are associated with the aroma of the Plumeria. A Colorful flower with a milky poisonous sap. #mythbeasts -7:24 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Miniatt Sap that irritates the eyes and skin. #mythbeasts -7:26 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra So the Pontianak might be a caution against abandoning a woman during childbirth, like a scorned lover?? #mythbeasts -7:26 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Times almost up. I hope the first chat went ok for everyone #mythbeasts -7:28 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra Next week, for St. Patricks Day. we will talk about Irish monsters. #mythbeasts -7:29 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris @leapetra I was already thinking of that and another legend, La Llorona #mythbeasts -7:29 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@BookLover73 @leapetra I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot. :) #mythbeasts -7:30 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris The weeping woman, I want to spend a day on her later. #mythbeasts -7:30 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @BookLover73 Great it was a lot of fun to host too #mythbeasts -7:30 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@Pyris Yay, Celtic monsters \o/ #mythbeasts -7:31 PM Mar 8th, 2011
@leapetra @Pyris And I am sure before next week I will have more than banshees and leprechauns to talk about. #mythbeasts -7:32 PM Mar 8th, 2011

#mythbeasts: Medusa and Hariongo

Originally published on 3/6/2011 at
For March 8, 2011

Medusa the cursed beauty with snakes for hair.

Harionago the woman with barbs in her hair.

One is from Greece, the other from Japan.

Both had been or are beautiful and both can kill with their hair. What is it about these female monsters and ones like them, that are terrifying and tragic at the same time? And why hair? What other monsters take beautiful woman and revel the horrible side?

Other ones to consider (although not have the hair tricks): Kuchisake-onna (the "Slit-Mouth Woman"), Gorgons, Harpies, Rusalki, and Pontianak.

Join us Tuesday March 8, 2011 from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm EST. on Twitter at #mythbeasts


Originally posted on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 on

Just for the heck of it, last night I started to talk about mythic creatures on twitter. It was a lot of fun.

So I think for simplicity, Every Tuesday from 6:30 pm EST to 7:30 pm EST I will host a chat, all about one of my favorite subjects, monsters.
So coming up, as of right now, anyway:

March 08: Medusa and the Harionago
March 15: Irish Beasties (Banshee, Leprechaun)
March 22: Dragons (East vs West)
March 29: Centaurs, Satyrs, and other half humans.
April 05: Wendigo and other devourers.
April 12: Shapechangers
April 19: Phoenix and other creatures that are reborn
April 26: The deep downs (trolls, dwarves, etc)
May 03: Hispanic monsters (La Llorona, chupacabra)
May 10: The Fearsome Critters: American folklore (Jackalopes, Hodags, Agropelters)
May 17: Stone based: (Gargoyles, Golems)
May 25: Surprise! Not from folklore. (Ents, Marshwiggles, Tommyknockers)

Of course I am always open for suggestions.

So if you want to join in. Use or tweetdeck for ease of use, and find us at #mythbeasts (don't forget the last s) Make sure you follow me too @leapetra